Have you ever thought,
what can i do to save the world ??

Tree, Tree.. another tree

Well here is a new way ! Maybe you want to be the first in line ?

Come and join us !

We want to give nature the ingreedients, it needs to flourish, back ..

89 year old factory worker, doing the dishes

  • 100% Natural, truly no articial infill.
  • Usually all ingredients 100 % composable (low percentage of dental filings and artifical bone reconstructions eg hips prothesis .. etc).
  • You want to see your flowers shine, you want that special extra taste for your homegrown cauliflower..
  • Never trusted that chemical fertilizer, produced by a company, whose managers molest ducklings in the rain forest.

a picture of a giraffe

Additional benefits

  • Cleaner air..
  • Less hot air. (Danger german phrasing).
  • Increased life expectancy, lower blood pressure.
  • Dramatic decrease of systematic waste of hard earned tax payer money.

3 trashcans for different hazardous materials

C.A.P. - is THE solution